RBG Stitch Along Recap

When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September, The Fernway Studio announced a memorial Stitch Along through her Snarky and Modern Facebook Group. The pattern was released in three parts, and only using black thread on white aida, with the encouragment to choose your own color pallete .

Somone in te group suggested a red, blue, green color pallete for the RBG of her initials, so I decided to do the wording in a gradient of those colors. And I gave her a golden crown, of course.

It might be the fastest I’ve ever finished a cross stitch piece. I even got it washed and framed well before the election day deadline. As for the memorial part of the stitch along, it was just suggested that we donate to whatever cause we felt best fit her memory. I chose to donate to Jaime Harrison’s campaign to take over Lindsey Graham’s Senate seat. With the recently rushed Superme Court Justice confirmation, it seems I chose smartly.